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11:11:11 (am & pm) on 11/11/11 will never be seen again for another 100 years. It is highly unlikely we will ever live to see an occurrence, such as this, ever again. Lucky 11 is proving to be a prime date for couples to tie the knot and has always been a significant number to the mad cap casino patrons. But psychologists and sceptics alike believe us meer mortals are looking for a pattern and significance, where one does not exist.
However, many spiritualists believe November 11, 2011 is a time of great awakening. Does that mean everyone in the world will wake-up and have an epiphany, a major jolt from above. Will the drugs, alcoholism, corruption, greed, wars, fighting and hate suddenly stop and we will all have a group hug? I seriously do not know, but I can say, I doubt that will ever happen. I have touched on this in 2012 – Spiritual Enlightenment or Global Meltdown? but 11/11/11 is now.
So what is happening now? I know countless clairvoyants, mediums, lightworkers and complementary therapists who have reported a lack of faith, a lack of belief, a disinterest in their work, a shifting away from the things and people that they used to love. They all seem to be waiting for something to happen. A spark to reignite their interest, a realisation of what life is all about and what their real purpose is. This is happening, but not one can explain to me exactly why it is happening.
I must admit, I am questioning my need to work with spirit and have experienced all of the above. But, thankfully, I believe I have come through the other side; by focusing my energy on developing myself, learning about new subjects and writing. Through re-aligning my priorities on the here and now, I can safely say the only thing I am questioning now is the thoughts and theories of others, rather than my internal battle of recent months.
People are going through a depression, of sorts, and it is believed 11/11/11 will reawaken their love for life, regain their inner strength and power. Through this awakening, they should see there is more to life than the need to heal and connect with higher spirit beings. As it is time to realise we are spirit beings and should be revere ourselves as such. It is time to live for today and by doing so, reclaim our freedom.
This new-found reality is an ascension into a 3 dimensional world, where infinite possibilities are realised. We need to break down our old, suppressed way of thinking, (which has been drummed into us by our peers all our lives), and therefore the barriers that have surrounded us throughout our lives. As we continue to live through this time of austerity there is a greater need to change our lives for the better and now is the time to do it!
I think what I am trying to say is make a plan, a bit like a New Years resolution, to take life by the short and curlies on 11/11/11 and say:
“I am better than this – I can make a difference – I am a higher spiritual being - I now have the opportunity to change my life!”
I have read many philosophies on 11/11/11, but pull away at the rhymes, riddles, and Shakespearian vocab’ and it all comes down to this:
Live Life Live Now Live Happy Make it Happen
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