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What is this Community?
This is a group of like-minded people coming together in a certain undisclosed location in Scotland. The main motivational desire is to detach from so-called civilisation, and yet, paradoxically enough, to attach ourselves to the suffering of others by training ourselves, under very difficult conditions, in such a way as to become veritable beacons of light in a world of continuing deterioration. This community will be extremely demanding in many ways and not for the general masses. It will require survival skills, or a willingness to surmount such difficulties in the midst of sub-zero temperatures and possibly injury in, what can be, a difficult to traverse environment. It will mean utilising one's initiative to gather food for wintertime, construction of adequate shelters, a spiritual inclination towards co-operation and mutual support and an open-mindedness towards the basic principles of the Aetherius Society and the White Eagle Lodge teachings - from which we take our inspiration. Once established we will conduct certain spiritual pilgrimages to a Holy Mountain where we will pray and perform certain mystic practices for the benefit of the world. We will also come together as one sister-brotherhood to support each other to the best of our ability to train ourselves in yogic practices designed to awaken the Goddess - Kundalini - as a necessary step towards the elevated goal of ADEPTSHIP!
More details about this can be provided by myself - in a very limited timeframe - by email.
Why create such a Community?
It is believed that the world is at a crossroads. Never before has it been so necessary to come together to work towards World Peace and Enlightenment. Originally the plan was to go alone into the wilderness and practice yoga in solitude - with regular pilgrimages designed to send out light to the world......however, recently I've been inspired to 'recruit' a few likeminded individuals willing to undertake similar austerities and thereby increase the likelihood of success in the formation of a useful band of aspiring yogi's. What's more - a major goal of this group is to train ourselves to become Adepts in Yoga.
In the words of Saint Goo-Ling, ''No Adept ever became an Adept because he liked comfort!''
This will mean leaving behind the 'canned entertainment' we regard as Television!
It will mean initiative to survive with limited resources and home comforts.
It will demand a positive outlook, in the midst of exacting conditions!
It will also, require detachment from the world, as we know it, and yet, in some strange way, attachment to the world by concentrating on it's main energy crisis - the spiritual energy crisis!
Our Beliefs:
The Earth is Alive
The Earth is a living, breathing Goddess which has taken upon Herself crushing limitation in order to give mankind those experiences demanded by his karmic pattern. She has not, as yet, demanded that we change - or leave! Seldom throughout history has mankind even thought about giving back, to Earth, some token thanks for the energy She has provided to mankind throughout is residence. This must change!
Extra-terrestrials Exist
We believe that this Earth is being visited by extraterrestrials from other Planet's in this Solar System and that all the major Planet's in this Solar System are inhabited! This group will seek to co-operate with these Beings as we did in ancient times when the stone circles were constructed.
The so-called 'Nature Spirits', Fairies and Angels are real
We believe that within nature there exists another kingdom seldom regarded as real by the majority of mankind. This Devic Kingdom includes the Elemental, Fairy and Angelic Beings who work always, strictly according to Law, so that we get those conditions we produce by our own thoughts and actions. These etheric Beings manipulate subtle energies conditioned by the thoughts and actions of mankind, for good or bad, and our current environment is largely the result of this. These Beings can only use the tools we provide them and therefore it is eminently important to send these Beings the tools of Love's Expression so that environmental factors cannot be allowed, by Law, to interfere with our Evolution. These Beings delight in working with pure, spiritually imbued energies and the more we co-operate with them the more co-operative must become our environment! We therefore strongly promote thanking the devic helpers for their tireless work on our behalf.
Spiritual Practices
We will endeavour to perform several very potent spiritual practices designed to sensitise ourselves to the 'higher things in life' within the context of simplicity, self-reliance and mutual support. These practices will include a study, and practice, of The Twelve Blessings - the Yogi Breathing Exercises of Dr. George King, the Practice of the Presence, Dynamic Prayer and Mantra.
Simple Living and High Thinking
To borrow a phrase from Paramahansa Yogananda, we will endeavour to start a spiritual community based on the Spiritual Ideals of the Masters and NOT the materialistic ideals initiated by the few financial interests who are controlling things....for now! We will resit this conditioning even if it means our lives!
For further information please feel free to contact myself by email. If I am not contactable I have either been abducted by aliens (kidding!) or simply not in a position to make such contact.
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