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Beyond Hollywood’s cliches and medieval images of haggard old woman with disheveled hair murmuring at her crystal ball, Clairvoyance is much much simpler and not so mysterious. Clairvoyance in practice is Scientific, Artistic and Democratic.
The modern Clairvoyant comes in all ages and all walks of life including unexpected arenas like Business, Technology, Medical and Scientific communities.
So, get in with the program home-skillet :)
It is Scientific. There are tools, techniques and a working process which allows mastery of this skill over time.
It is Artistic. The palette, brush strokes, style and shapes are personal to the Clairvoyant Reader. It is a creative expression in which, depiction of the perceived Energetic Pattern, varies from Reader to Reader.
It is Democratic. Everyone is wired for it. Believe it or not.
Believe it or not, gravity always works. Always.
The million dollar question then is "Why isn't everyone Clairvoyant?"
Before answering that the question that begs to be answered is "What is Clairvoyance?" .
To answer that that let's first dump the question "Can I see the future?".
The future is created from now.
That out of the way, let's consider a simple definition of Clairvoyance.
It's your ability to see or perceive Spiritual information or "Energy".
Consider the idea that you are both the Physical body and corresponding Spiritual aspect. Both these aspects of you are dynamic and affect each other.
But it is your Spiritual aspect that is of interest to a Clairvoyant Reader.
Some have easier access to their wiring for Clairvoyance while others seem to work at it.
But what's in the way of a one wishing to access their built-in wiring for Clairvoyance (Reading/Seeing Energy) consistently?
Simple. Themselves. Or their limiting belief systems which stand in their way.
Another reason is that this is too simple for over-thinking minds.
We (in the Western world) live in a predominantly left-brain world that sometimes tends to make things complicated than it is.
Preconditioned, our social programming tends to ask "how can anything worthwhile be attained without struggle? effort? thinking?".
We mistake Thinking for Imagination. In fact "Imagination" or the ability to Image is our ability to See or Read Spiritual Energy.
But any Professional Clairvoyant worth their salt will admit "I cannot See everything".
"I can ONLY see what I'm meant to See now".
Even in this this framework their "Reading" is filtered by their beliefs hence shaping how they interpret what they "Read".
The real benefit I see for Clairvoyance or the ability is the opportunity to sharpen one's self-awareness.
If one is willing, as one "reads", one sees some reflection of themselves. This offers the opportunity to notice what normally goes unnoticed. Hence grow from that knowledge.
For those interested in learning to "read" as a professional or as a hobby, there are many Tools and techniques you can acquaint yourself with. Until you you develop your technique and style. You can find YouTube videos, audio and articles on the internet to start with. There are also Psychic/Clairvoyant schools teaching Tools. From there it's about giving oneself the space and time to hone the skill.
Exercising your Clairvoyant Muscle
You could start working your 'Clairvoyant muscle' with this simple exercise.
First the preparation.
Find a quiet place where you can sit uninterrupted.
Notice the room. Notice the weight of your body in the chair. Notice your body.
From toe to top of head. Tense somewhere? Or just nothing really?
No problem. The exercise is to just notice.
As you observe your body, notice how you are breathing. Shallow? Deep? Normal?
Adjust your breathing. Breathe in and out gently few times so you feel comfortable.
For some, thoughts buried under the flurry of the day may start to surface.
If so, notice. Then refocus on your body and breathing.
This is what some may call "Meditation". Simple really. But some-days not easy.
Some days its hard to sit down and spend 10minutes of uninterrupted time. Time to clear our head and reset. So we are not experiencing every hour as a hangover from the previous.
Now the actual exercise.
Close your eyes. Imagine a red Rose. See it drop off your view screen.
With eyes closed imagine/see/visualize a red Ferrari. How about a Tomato or Lemon next?
That was easy wasn't it?
You didn't have to "think" did you? You "just imagined" and lo behold it was right there.
Well, you just used your in-built wiring to 'see' Images . This is your 'Clairvoyance'.
Or your ability to 'see', interpret and communicate (with words) what you saw.
It was easier with the images you picked because they are common place and may not have much charge or preexisting connotations around it.
Or it probably didn't trigger to life any dormant images tied to your Belief systems.
Had they triggered some dormant imagery then maybe the simple imaging of a Tomato would have turned out to be a foggy exercise. Maybe you noticed you suddenly got confused or doubtful.
Maybe the image of a Tomato or Lemon came far easier than for example a Ferrari. Maybe the image of the Ferrari brought up concerns about your current Financial situation.
If you want insights into questions like "How can I be in a loving relationship?", "How can I be financially self-sufficient?" or "How can I find work enjoyable and financially supportive?"....the process is still the same.
A question directs and shapes the Energy. Allowing one to "See" what is shaping and influencing your particular situation. Then act accordingly.
This is simple but not easy.
As soon as you ask the question, everything at play, beneficial or not, beliefs yours or not, come into focus at the same time.
They all come into focus instantaneously and superimposed on each other that it's hard to see what you are trying to look at. For example, imagine this.
If you were to grab bunch of transparency sheets and have of people you know, friend, family, teacher or whomever write a paragraph or so each transparency sheet.
On the last sheet you will write something. This what you want see or read later.
Let's call this last sheet "Truth Sheet"
Place the Truth Sheet on the table first. Then superimpose all the other sheets on top of the Truth Sheet.
Now, if you don't remember what you wrote, can you clearly make out of what is written in the Truth Sheet. Can you read clearly through all these words written on other sheets?
Maybe you can make sense a word or sentence here and there. Maybe you are not even sure if its from your sheet. Unable to clearly read your entire paragraph Without the you might easily misunderstand what you wrote for yourself to find.
You could summarize this as "all-that-is-me is buried under all-that-is-not-me.
Depending on the topic we may have more or less transparency sheets superimposed on the Truth Sheet. It is also not the same for everyone.
This the case for a Professional Reader too. Not just for someone starting out.
The process then, as you might have guessed, is peeling off the layers of Transparency sheets that you did not write on. What is left, buried underneath, is your Truth.
In the end, the benefit of Clairvoyance or any other spiritual work is to peel off all-that-someone-else-wrote-for-you and remember what you wrote for yourself. Your Truth.
Mikki is a Clairvoyant Reader, Spiritual Healer and Teacher.
Every Friday he offers free 15min Reading or Healing for first 5 requests. Via Skype, Phone or email.
Please check his website
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