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I am feeling heart-connected, soul-connected to those personally experiencing the turmoil, whether it be Egypt's political upheaval, the Aussie floods and now cyclone, and on and on. But, for me it isn't an empathic, 2nd chakra kind of experience, in which we take on the pain/strife/fear/anger of those whose journey is directly related to those various situations. I am holding the distinction between the role of those direct experiencing these events and my role as observer...
I feel led to maintain the highest energetic vibration currently available to me, holding as much light and higher heart love as I'm capable of. This feels appropriate given how difficult I imagine it would be for lightworkers directly experiencing the turmoil to maintain their higher vibration while in that very challenging experience, if that makes sense -- I'm feeling led to assist in holding "the overall light" when they may be having a very hard time doing it for themselves (words are so limiting here grin but I'm doing my best). My response, similar to others like Daniel Jacob have shared in recent days, includes honoring the roles of the direct participants, understanding they agreed to play these roles in their specific regions as their communities undergo this dramatic change
(again, this includes all dramatic events we are experiencing as of late). I honor whatever responses people are experiencing, be it direct participants and all of us observing.
I do sense that in order to sufficiently clear, heal and then raise the overall vibration (what I often call light quotient) of humanity and Earth, these types of changes and events (political, social, weather/geological) will increase in frequency and with the same, if not greater, magnitude -- I don't share that with any fear-frequency but rather with underlying trust that, from our God aspects within each of us, a knowing that all is well and that changes are required to allow structures and systems to hold the higher level of light we will require on what many call the New Earth.
That leads me to conclude that it is important for as many of us who are able, to find our inner stability system (rooted in what I call our Higher Self) and hold our light quotient as steady as possible to keep the light on for ourselves in our own journeys and anyone else who may benefit from our steadfast love, peace/calm and possibly even joy ... cause the boat is gonna be quite rocky for quite awhile.
Love and blessings to you,
Jill Renee
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