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We are, each and every one of us, spirits who have chosen to participate in a physical experience here on planet Earth and not the other way round. When we are born into the world and grow and learn about our immediate surroundings we are conditioned by society and the people around us (who greatly influence our lives in more powerful ways than they realise) to focus only on the physical reality we see in front of us. But what is the point of this experience in this physical reality?
For a large number of us this physical, material world seems lacking in something. For some the void is hidden and they are happy to flow with the negative conditioning of society but for others it is such a strong sense of something missing in our lives that we are drawn so strongly to question everything in order to discover what it is and to change it.
Some of us blame our family and friends for not loving us enough, some of us try to fill the void with material possessions, some of us embark on a pilgrimage around the world to find what is missing, some of us turn to the church and religion to guide us, some of us attempt to deny it and completely absorb ourselves in the physical reality of mundane everyday life year after year, some become workaholics, shopaholics, alcoholics, drug addicts in order to numb the pain of this void, some (like myself) question for many years and try all sorts of therapy, believing that there is something wrong with them and that someone else can “cure” them in order to fill the void but nothing works and so they suffer with dis-ease of the soul labelled as M.E. or Depression etc. Some of us go through our whole lifetimes either in complete ignorance of the void or else desperately searching for something or someone to fill it, but failing miserably to find fulfilment in our lives.
The answer, the one true way to fill the void, lies within each and every one of us, it is there lying dormant within the depths of our hearts. The answer is, of course, LOVE. Love endures all, Love cures all, Love is all there is. When everything else is stripped away from us, all we have left is Love. Even our spirit or soul is the essence of pure Divine Love. When we accept this truth and embrace it then our hearts open like never before and the out pouring of Love not only heals our physical bodies but also our minds, our once broken spirits, our faith, our relationships...and so it goes on. The more genuine Love you give to yourself, the more wounds you heal within yourself and the more Light you shine out into the world. This Light (in the form of Love) will inspire others closest to you and this will ripple out to others who know them and so this beautiful infectious Love spreads out into the world and beyond. You will find you no longer need societies “crutches” of dependent relationships, pills and potions, drugs and alcohol, idols and dogmas.
So now that you have found the answer is Love, that it lies within you and that with this Love you have the power to change your life, to fill your void - so what now? Try anything and everything which has a positive deep healing effect for you to unlock the Love in your heart. Only you know what will work for you, for we are all different in this way. Do what you are drawn to do and let your intuition (the “does this feel right in my gut” feeling) and your heart (the “does this make me feel happy inside” feeling) be your guide. Join the spiritual development group in town, start the meditation you’ve been putting off because you think you are too busy (turn off the TV and see how much extra time you have in your day!), treat yourself to a course of holistic therapy sessions, learn to be a Reiki Healer, read the books which expand your mind, spend more time outdoors in nature etc, etc. These are just suggestions; do whatever you think will work for you. You may try things and then change part-way through; be kind to yourself and know that this is okay, for you have been given free will to make your own choices in life.
Do whatever heals your soul, do what touches your heart, do what brings healing tears to your eyes, do what gives a joyous sense of wellbeing to your body and invokes a calmness of your mind. Remind yourself daily that you are healing yourself and the power to do this comes from the universal Love within your heart and give thanks for this blessing.
We ALL have so much potential and power as human beings and I believe our true power is greater than we can comprehend at this moment in time.
Real beauty is not measured by our physical appearance but by the amount of Love that radiates from our hearts.
Love and Light to you all.
Article written on 11th September 2011.
For more information about the author and the North Bristol Meditation Group check out
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