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My heart aches and feels hollow. Inside, there is such grief. Please lend me your arms to hide in in my hour of need. And after, you shoulders to hold my fears. And then your lap, like a basket, to cradle my tears.
Help me to let go of all that is trapped and broken, to fix it piece by piece. Help me to confront all that I am afraid of and in doing so find peace.
Open my eyes to beauty, my soul to sound. Awaken all my senses to the world that surrounds.
Guide me towards a better outlook and quality of life: one that is still and centred, and free from strife.
Show me how to release the past so that I might move on. Show me how to embrace the future so that I can belong.
Turn my attention inward, away from material things. Give me the strength to allow the feelings introspection brings.
Let me love myself as I love others. Let me myself forgive. Show me how to receive as well as how to live.
Love me like a father, guide me like a sage; stand by me as I walk into a future of knowledge and age.
Teach me to live freely. Permit me to yearn. And when the void beckons, help me to learn.
Give me roots to stand on and branches to stretch. Give me buds to nurture and seeds to collect.
Give me leaves to shed and flowers to release. Give me water to drink and air to breathe.
Give me birdsong to dance to and company to share. Give me shade in darkness and space in air.
Give me peace in body and comfort in mind. Give me strength in soul so that I might find the land that I dream of, the people I miss, the place that I belong to and the purpose of this.
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