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Think positive
Letting go of emotional negativity.
At sometime in our life we have all lived negatively and everything we do as a human being is for ourselves. You simply cannot make anybody happy if you are not happy yourself. Negative thoughts drain you of your energy and keep you from being in the present moment. The more you give in to your negative thoughts the stronger they become. Unfortunately the negativity doesn’t always come from your own thoughts it can come from the people around you. Negative people do have an effect on your energy levels and they can slow you down towards achieving your goals. You need to create space for positive changes to happen and sometimes this means releasing the negative people from your life. By doing this it helps create a space for the positive people that will encourage, support and help you to grow as a person.
So how do we erase negative influences and live positively?
1) Do not play the victim
You must take responsibility for your life. It is you that creates it and it is you that can change it. It is up to you to find happiness by changing your behavior if something bothers you.
2) Change the tone of your thoughts
Try and pay a little more attention to the good things, small kindnesses and the beauty around you rather than concentrating on the negative. Positive thinking will absolutely make your life better. Remember that, No matter where you are there is always beauty, you just have to look for it.
3) Read positive quotes
This is one of my favorites, you can place post it notes with positive quotes anywhere and everywhere, the mirror, fridge door, in your car even in your drawers, the list is endless and here are a few of my favorite positive quotes:
“Positive thoughts lead to positive results.”
“Positive anything is better than negative nothing”
"Positive and negative are directions. Which direction do you choose?"
"Reality is the mirror of your thoughts. Choose well what you put in front of the
"When you have control over your thoughts, you have control over your life."
4) Meditate or do yoga
Recently when I found myself thinking negatively and over analyzing my thoughts I decided to take up yoga. My first class instantly took away my focus from my thoughts and brought my attention to my breath. Wednesday evenings at yoga class is now my own very special place. And I love it. I find yoga to be very relaxing and it helps ease my mind, Yoga and meditation bring you back to the now, now being the most important moment.
5) Do not dwell on past mistakes
It’s easy to dwell on your mistakes but remember no body is perfect. We all make them so the best thing you can do is learn from your mistakes and move forward.
No body can take away your happiness without your permission so try and think about yourself. If you want a happy life and you want to give joy to others then you must make yourself happy first.
When we start to have negative thoughts, it’s hard to stop them. And it is so much easier said than done to shift your focus to positive thoughts. But, it really is the only way, It is natural to question yourself when things go wrong and try and work a way out so it doesn’t happen again, so why not try and do this when your happy, question yourself so you can make yourself happy again.
Holding on to emotional negativity of any kind is like drinking poison. Let it go and move on.
Article Source: Lisa Elsworth
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