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What is it in us that seeks to pull down the very thing we claim to admire, the very thing, the very person we say we respect, are in “awe” of. What is it in us that seeks to destroy than celebrate the beauty of another? And if we do succeed in destroying that/them in some way do we feel better? Do we feel we have achieved something? Does this make our wounds go away? Temporarily perhaps- and then we are left with the gnawing feeling of having acted out anything but Love and still the wounds exist. And to top it all- the person, the thing that was helping us feel better, feel good about ourselves has now most likely left our lives.
Life is filled with a myriad of experiences, of peoples and energies. Every day we have the opportunity to meet a new Spirit and truly engage with the gift that person has to offer the world. To you. It may be something small, it may be something life changing to you. It may be just for that day it may stay with you for years afterwards. Either way it is a gift- as every life is- a gift.
Some people we meet simply take our breath away. Their connection to something is powerful, is elusive and instills strong feelings in us- of Love, of Power of being in the Presence of something otherworldly. And we all know people like this, who quite simply are so plugged into Spirit all the time that just being around them we feel better, we feel inspired. And at times as Love shines a light on all that is not of Love in us- we may also start to feel little, like we are not as good. We may witness others responding to this person with the same adoration as us and now we feel even smaller and we want some of that. Quite that simple- I want some of that we demand! I want some of that! And what exactly is that?
And how did this person come to have that? Who is to say. Every person has a gift. This could be theirs. It could have come about through years and years of initations. They may have had to overcome obstacle after obstacle in their life until they fell helpless to their knees to Spirit and let all the resistance in them go. And allowed Spirit to work through them. Because that is what one is falling in adoration, in awe, in love with- Spirit that is moving through them. The same Spirit that moves through everything, in every leaf, every bird, every shaft of sunlight. In everything. In everyone- if we just let it. If we just get out of the way.
So yes you can have some of that. That is Spirit and it is there should you choose to allow Spirit to move through you- should you choose to put resistance and fear to one side. Should you so choose to Love and to Be Love in every moment. And that is Love for Self and Others. And then when the heart opens Spirit moves through.
How Spirit moves through you will differ from another. Not every leaf is the same, not every bird and not even every sunrise. How can it be. We are all constantly evolving and shifting. Spirit does not sit still- it moves and moves and moves. So comparing achieves nothing. To look at another and say I want that. And then seek to hurt that person out of envy achieves nothing. What makes it even worse is to then mask that as a learning, to mask that as part of a process. There is no process that justifies such actions. The hard facts are it is acting from a place of woundedness. Yes that deserves compassion for self. And healing. That does not excuse the behaviour. For which there needs to be responsibility taken. Too often we fling our wounds around and say its part of some mythical process. Why is it someone else’s responsibility to hold your wound? Are you holding theirs? And if so- why? No. It is part of Self Mastery to own all parts of ourselves. The parts that sing with Love and the parts that scream in Pain. And to bit by bit bring them together into the One. Through the Love and Guidance of Spirit.
This requires the Humility to truly face ourselves- all parts and not with some Romantic illusion but in Truth. And with the eyes of Love that accepts all. There will be reasons for those wounds. And yes that shall need healing. Seek that healing. Pray for that healing. Do not attack another to band aid that wound.
Love heals all. And our Love for Spirit and each other shall heal all. Even our own wounds. Should we wish to take the eyes off Judgement of another and place them on ourselves. Should we seek to stop the blaming and take responsibility for our Selves. Mastery is how we respond to situations. Which is why many of us may share similar stories and yet each of us will have a different outcome to our lives.
When we admire another with the eyes of Love- we seek to celebrate all they are. We know in so doing we do not lose anything, we gain. We gain the humility to be able to respect another and not to compete. When we celebrate another we also do so knowing we have a gift too. It may be helping others to celebrate others. It may be something else. The Truth is you have a gift. You may not have discovered it, it may not be dramatic – it will be a gift. It will be special and it will be something only you can do. When we take the focus off competition, when we go inwards we are better able to truly access our Truth. And in so doing act from a place of authenticity and Love. When we go inwards we spend our time focusing on how we can be the best we can be. And then it serves no one to pull down another also doing the same. For then we tuly are part of a Community seeking to be the best it can be through Love. With Spirit. As One.
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