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In part one of this article, we discussed the past life connection between those who died from starvation during the three holocausts that took place in the 20th century and the epidemic of eating disorders presently being experienced in the 21st century. This month we are continuing that discussion by looking at the parallels that exist between balancing Universal Collective karma, the holocausts, eating disorders, our insecurities and how we can use past lives to help us provide some of the answers we need to make sense of our eating habits and manage them in the present life. By doing embrace natural body type and bring easement to ourselves, thus enabling self-empowerment through the love of the I AM.
To achieve this we need to remember that before reincarnation, our light being state reviews the karmic build up we have accrued throughout all our past lives before deciding upon the choices to be made to produce our present lives. These choices include our physical body type that is determined by our height and metabolic rate in our present life. Some of these choices come in the form of instructions in the knowledge from our past lives, which have been programmed into our DNA and are carried out by the brain and nervous system. Much of the knowledge from our past lives influences our mental and emotional states in the present one.
Therefore, we need to consider that in the depths of our minds we all have an organic computer, which our higher selves have programmed to store the knowledge gathered from our past life experiences and it is released as and when necessary in the present lifetime time to help us balance or endure karma. This knowledge influences our mental and emotional states in the present lifetime, the ramifications of which are dependent upon the choices of our light being states prior to our birth. Therefore, we are controlled at a subliminal level to do the bidding of our light being states to balance karma, and weight is one of the tools used to achieve this.
However, we all have free will, the rights of which we exercise and the consequences of which result in us either over-riding or disrupting these controls. By doing so, we are provided with additional insight and information gathered from the ramifications of our own actions, the knowledge of which we program into the computer by way of experience. Therefore, it is our free will that guarantees the carrying out of the instructions. Thus, we have two powerful indicators that can help us identify the events that occurred in a past life or lives. They are our free will and our body type, the weight of which can be used as an indicator as to whether we suffer from genetic condition that effects our weight, or reflect the decision-making resulting from our free will which again, is influenced by our mental state and emotions.
We also need to remember that reincarnating with unresolved karma creates mental and emotional insecurities, which come to the surface when we are ready to resolve them. The cause of some of these insecurities will be due to past life events that have nothing to do with the holocausts and others will, and reincarnating with an eating disorder is an indication that we are ready to balance karma. The indicator is that if we suffer from obesity caused by over eating or a lack of exercise, our bodies are telling us that in a past life we were either a victim or an enforcer in one of the starvation holocausts. If we suffer from anorexia or bulimia, our bodies are telling us that we have unresolved issues surrounding a past life where we were either a victim or for enforcers of the crime that we are balancing karma by starving ourselves.
Therefore, despite there is no sign of starvation being used as a weapon of destruction in our present reality, mentally and emotionally reincarnated holocaust souls are still enduring the terrible suffering associated with being starved or the guilt created by enabling in a past life. This state of affairs creates havoc in the present lives of the reincarnate souls because they live in a very different reality to those who have not yet experienced such a traumatic event. The difference is centered round what is considered by those who have never experienced a past life starvation holocaust, as irrational insecurities and therefore they cannot possibly understand or relate the by product of the reality being lived by the soul concerned, which is an eating disorder.
Generally speaking, when we feel insecure in ourselves, when we don’t feel in control of our lives and it is human nature to gravitate toward that, which will make us feel secure. For reincarnated holocaust souls, this security is often found in the relationship he or she develops with food. By consciously investigating our past lives, we can release the information we need to raise the details of the events that took place in the past life that caused our present life eating disorder. Identifying the holocaust we were caught up in, and the role we played in it releases ourselves from the condition by balancing the outstanding karma or resolving that which needs to be resolved in the present lifetime.
We can all learn from working with past lives and eating disorders by looking at our initial response to those who suffer from an eating disorder and ask ourselves if it raises unpleasant issues within ourselves that we need to deal with, such as prejudice, prejudgment and indiscrimination. Embracing the concept of past lives and the effect they have on our present life can help change our perception regarding the pressures and demands put upon us by modern day opinion and events. With regard to eating disorders, these demands highlight the requirement that we ‘look’ better when we are unnaturally slim or thin ruins our health and strips us of our self-esteem, self-confidences and self-worth. By following modern day opinion at all cost, we blind ourselves to the natural beauty of our body weight we cannot recognise the beauty and the benefits of nurturing and maintaining our natural body weight, thus making it a more compassionate world to live in and as we do so we are also reducing the karmic debt we all owe. For those souls who have or are presently enduring an eating disorder, they are teaching us about the relationship we with food, what it can tell us about ourselves, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically as they learn the lessons themselves.
Whether it is humanity as a whole working within the Universal Collective to balance karma associated with starvation or on an individual basis, the eating disorder epidemic we are witnessing is showing us the extent of human suffering that it takes to resolve and balance such horrendous crimes against humanity. If nothing else, such crimes should give us food for thought. We need to recognise the impact that our actions in past lives have on the present one. Not only with regard to how we choose to live our own lives but how we view others living theirs. Reincarnated holocaust souls are giving us an opportunity to look at our own reactions towards those who suffer from an eating disorder with a view to becoming more understanding and compassionate toward each other. It is also a stark reminder that those who have not suffered from an eating disorder cannot truly understand those who have, simply because they haven’t yet experienced a life that involved deliberate mass starvation.
There are services on my web site and for those who may interested in finding out what their spiritual purpose of weight is.
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