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At Imperial Palace
Travel along Spine of Europe: Clearing European Continental Chakras of Constantine's and Other Warrior Energies
Visit to Serbia: Sirmium & Zemun (Belgrade) Ceremonies
High Point of Entire Trip for Elizabeth
BELGRADE, Serbia, Oct 7 - What happened during our short visit in Serbia is a great example of why one should never confuse quantity with quality. We spent less than 24 hours in my native country. Yet we came away with three movies, countless stories and a lifetime of memories.
"Of the 11 countries that we visited, the most memorable one that I think of every day, and it's very moving, was our visit to Belgrade (Serbia)," Elizabeth said in an Oct 30 interview about the highlights of our European pilgrimage (see Epic European Pilgrimage 2011

Laying flowers for peace
- Video Highlights).
"Why," I asked her.
"It was very moving because it touched my heart. I was thrown back in time," she said. "The energy or the feeling I had in Belgrade was unbelievable. It was just very moving. It is something I will never forget."
* * *
Above are some shots from the visit to our parents' gravesite. That's where I also bought the pink flowers which I was to use later on at the shamanic clearing ceremony at the Sirmium Imperial Palace. I am wearing yellow because Sirmium represents the Solar Plexus chakra of the European continent. That's where I also cleared the warrior energies from the second ray souls. Here's a short film about that ceremony...
Sirmium Ceremony, Solar Plexus Chakra, 2nd Ray Souls (Oct 7)
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