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I was told to go to the Southwest as there was treasure awaiting me. And so my partner Dean and I loaded up the van and began a 12 day journey from FL to CA. I gathered art supplies, a book I recently had published, Calico Horses and the Patchwork Trail, and some camping supplies.
Meditation: I was given a very strong message from a guide who felt different then any I have ever met. "No more doubting, no more questioning, no more struggling over choices - only DOING. You are now prepared to GO and DO. Do not question if we are with you...KNOW and BELIEVE and TRUST. You are to BE positive affirmation as you wake each day and say "hello world, what can I do today?" You are to spread this, teach this to ALL people of ALL races. If it is about smoking 1 less cigarette for one, or thinking one less self destructive thought for another it is a path to self love. Positive affirmation means moving that positive thought into action. This message is to be shared. You are all to begin every day with a positive affirmation speaking aloud what you will DO. If it is about changing a direction of thought then begin today to move in this direction- today I can BE positive, today I can BE love. So many hurting, look around, so many impoverished minds...Help bring a fresh wind to a stagnant world. Each of you is equipped to do much more - no more waiting, doubting only DOING. Blessings to ALL."
This journey has brought me the most beautiful gifts. They come in the form of new relationships with people, the land, the animals and the energy connecting it all. Although I thought my purpose was bringing
students the free gift of art, and I am…what they are GIVING in return far outweighs it.
This connection feels as if my heart is in tune with the heartbeat of the earth. It has helped me become more grounded as I bathe in its wisdom. Each day I meditate in silence giving thanks for ALL that IS. The overwhelming sense of LOVE is in the air I breathe.
I look forward to traveling to Lompoc, CA next weekend, where I will meet the wild horses that were stripped from the Calico Mountains of NV and now roam safely within the ranges of the Return to Freedom Mustang Sanctuary.
I am blessed to be able to do this work and I do not take it lightly, it is an honor. All of my efforts are to help raise awareness and funds to the plight of these wild sentient beings fighting for survival. If I can leave them with one lesson let it be this–ALL of us can help one another, we all have gifts, it just takes MOVING THOUGHTS INTO ACTION. To be continued...
The meditation above came while touring the country as I am giving away free art lessons to children/parents to help raise awareness to plight of wild horses and burros rounded up sold for slaughter... (here is my schedule)
To learn more about meditation please read Meditation Mojo.
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