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The most vibrant New Moon of the year occurs in Aries. The blend of the Sun and the Moon in the zodiac’s first sign gives us a wonderful platform to rejuvenate and refresh. This is Perfect for a detox, declutter or new look. In fact any way we can reinvigorate our situations should be seized.
To really capitalise, this New Moon may require us to embrace something that we are less familiar with. But you know, even this can just add to the excitement. Aries energy is all about initiation, it isn’t so much about hours of navel gazing and personal contemplation. This really is about action, and like all actions that we take, sometimes not every single part of what we do, will pay dividends.
However by seizing the moment, we can give ourselves a scintillating feeling of being alive, and testing ourselves out in different ways. This could be through our ideas, conversations, hobbies, or our physical activities. This energy requires us to focus rather more on on our own needs, and to be less concerned by the impact of the things we do. So it’s very much a personal energy, rather than one that so focused on our interactions with others.
It does have to be said that Mercury and Venus, along with Neptune, continue to be located just before the New Moon, in the very sensitive sign of Pisces. And if you’re physical or mental vitality have felt sluggish – particularly since Mercury entered this zone on the 10th of February, it would not be a surprise. These three planets WILL continue to have impact this week, but the Aries New Moon encourages us to take steps forwards, and even if some of these are small ones, the sensation of doing so, will in itself create momentum and be so uplifting.
To understand more, why not order your Personal Character Analysis or one of my other range of informative reports in my enhanced Personal Horoscope store? Please visit me @
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