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Stewart St John
Stewart St. John can hear the sound of your soul and translate that into sound, music and words.
He is a gifted intuitive who has helped many people connect back to joy through translating the sounds of their souls, and has also assisted grieving family members cope with the loss of loved ones by delivering the sounds and melodies of those who have transitioned.
Stewart has been on a spiritual path from a very early age after seeing “the rainbow lady” at the end of his bed, which he later understood to be an angel. He became a writer/director for children’s television programming including the magical Sabrina: The Animated Series on ABC, and other family programming for various networks and studios.
But sounds and music continued to call him.
In 2007 Stewart was chosen by the non-physical beings Abraham and NY Times best-selling authors Jerry & Esther Hicks to produce and score their children’s audiobooks published by Hay House. He also adapted the books into a screenplay musical for a future film, and was told by Abraham that he was channeling them through his music.
In 2009 Stewart began sharing his gift of hearing and translating people’s energy through his Soul Sound Readings. Through this incredible process, Stewart has begun dialoguing with a group of non-physicals named The Creators.
Stewart is inspired by the beauty of the Universe and appreciative of his gifts a

Todd Fisher
nd the opportunity to inspire others to remember Who They Truly Are.
You can schedule a Soul Sound Reading by visiting the website. Your life will be changed...
Todd Fisher
Todd Fisher has a detailed, artistic eye that brings immaculate beauty to everything he touches.
Todd is a co-founder with Stewart St. John in Stewart St. John Light, where he oversees the creation and distribution of every product the company creates, from packaging to delivery. His glowing smile always brings a sense of fun to the process.
In 2007-2008, Todd helped produce the 15 songs Stewart composed for the Sara musical feature film with Jerry & Esther Hicks, and helped with production on the 11-CD Sara audiobooks released by Hay House.
In late 2008, Todd co-produced the THEO videos airing on YouTube for Marcus and Sheila Gillette. He continues to oversee the design and structure of all Stewart’s web site portals, maintains the integrity of the Stewart St. John brand, and guides the expansion with enthusiasm and a deeply positive vibration.
These amazing guys are coming to the UK in 2010. Please contact me if you wish to purchase a ticket for a phenomenal event at a most auspicious time in our Earth's history...
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