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I feel drawn to write to encourage you to remember that this time of year is about reflection and inner peace. The body naturally slows in the Winter and wishes to conserve energy as our days are shorter. This is a time for renewing ourselves. The Hermit card in Tarot comes to mind. If we look at our emotional "stuff" and heal ourselves throughout the darker, colder months, we can emerge in Spring feeling fresh and looking ahead to the year with energy and enthusiasm.
We can allow ourselves to take time, amid the Christmas chaos, to just be. To sit in meditation, to breathe, maybe do some yoga postures. (I've done leg stretches whilst cooking and found it immensely helpful and the food tasted fabulous.) Anything which slows us down and allows the body to breathe calmly and return to its natural rhythm.
When we focus on the breath, it often slows a little (maybe more) and maybe we can allow the body to breathe itself, rather than forcing it. Peace is then easily attainable and can often be spontaneous.
Being in the moment is a great way of contacting our true selves. This can be achieved by really appreciating a wonderful view and/or listening to some beautiful music and allowing ourselves to let its beauty wash over us.
When we're wholly present with others, we are truly listening to them - body language as well as the words they speak. This is also true when we listen to our own body.
It's our choice whether we choose to race towards our to-do list (which rarely seems to get finished anyway!) or to take a few minutes - literally - to enjoy our bodies/a wonderful view/beautiful music and allow peace in.
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