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Note: I suggest you read the guided meditation several times, have someone read it to you or record it. Have paper and pencil at hand, and once finished, write down all the ideas that come to you, without editing. Review your writing in a few days and see what gifts has Inspiration bestowed you with.
Sit or lie in a comfortable position, keeping your back straight and your feet firmly on the ground if you are sitting. Close your eyes. Breathe in deeply several times. Press all the muscles of your body, as tight as you can, and then let go. Do this three times. Breathe deeply one more time and start…
Let’s close our eyes and breathe in deeply for a moment. With the power of our imagination, let’s go far away, to a beautiful, hot sandy desert. Let’s imagine we are merchants in a big caravan. See the tall Arabian horses, the powerful camels carrying the merchandise. This is a very important trip and we are on a dead-line. If we make it to the big city on time, not only we’ll be able to sell our merchandise at an excellent price; we’ll receive a map for a new route too, a route faster than the one we are on now. With the money, we’ll be able to move our families from the big city to a nice, green village, where life will be easier. Now we have arrived to the oasis. Usually the caravan goes around the palms trees, carefully and slowly. But time is so limited! You decide that the best thing is just to go straight and cross the shallow pond. It’s a clear, blue cool pond that you have enjoyed before. You tell your people to march as fast possible. The waters become all murky and muddy. A few

of the oil jars fall and brake, staining the clear reflection with thick greasy puddles. Someone drops unfinished food into the water. Camel and horse dung float now in the once clean pond. You wish you had time to clean up things a bit, but you are really in a hurry. Besides, once you have the map for the new route, you won’t be coming to this oasis anyway. So you keep marching fast, soiling the water until it’s brown and filthy.
You are now on your way back from the big city. You made some very good business transactions. Your family is with you, there is gold in your bags and the promise of a better future now that you have the map. But there is a problem. The route in the map is taking you nowhere. You wonder aimlessly for days under the scorching sun. You have run out of food and out of water. Your children are so tired they don’t even cry anymore. Your strength is almost gone. You have to sacrifice the horses and eventually leave the gold behind, so the camels can carry your people. All of a sudden, you see an oasis. You are saved! You know the place, is the oasis you have used for years. You can find your way home now. But you need water if you are going to make it…and then you remember. You pray silently for a miracle, but the pond is as filthy as you left it days ago. And now, you have no choice. You bend down and drink the foul, stinky water, because it is your only chance of survival. You fill a cup of this brown substance and give it to your youngest child, not knowing if the water will do more harm than good, but certain that the risk must be taken. And with heavy heart, you watch your child drink…
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