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As I sit here and write, and despite knowing full well what the onset of Pluto in Capricorn would mean to our country and our world, I weep. I weep especially for my country the U.S.; the one I was born into following WWII. I weep for the people, especially those I know who lived in the U.S. through the best of times and the worst of times, some who were born at the turn of the last century who are still alive today and will most likely pass when the U.S. is at its most vile and vulnerable.
Pluto in Capricorn is about radical change; it represents the Tower card in the tarot deck. The tower is now toppling and crumbling. Could this have been avoided? It’s difficult not to blame the current Bush administration for 8 years of continuously trashing our country and our world, padding the pockets of a top-heavy bureaucracy. It’s difficult to believe that this was part of the cosmic plan as well. But we must look at the overall picture and future potentials to understand the implications.
The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was from November 1762 until December 1, 1778. While Pluto transforms political and economic structures primarily, it also extends to those institutions that were set up by these structures. In 1762, Pluto in Capricorn marked the end of the Seven Years' War where Britain claimed most of Canada from France. This caused instability in most of Europe as well as in the U.S. for many years, and resulted in the American Revolution, which followed the Pluto Galactic Center transit. I wrote about this in April 2006 - Dealing with the Pluto/Galactic-Center Transit .
Today we HAVE finally reached that point of no return where we are seeing the collapse of our economic and political systems due to our leaders’ greed and allegiance to the false money gods and the Royal Crown. American citizens and voters are angry and are calling for public hangings. Soon we may see anarchy as more and more people lose their jobs, their homes, and their life savings.
While some of us saw this coming it’s still difficult to deal with the reality when it hits. Pluto in Capricorn will FORCE us to purge our dark shadow first and foremost, as it is too late to face it. It will throw many of us into crisis mode if we did not previously do our spiritual homework, such as it has thrown our government into crisis mode. It will ultimately purge us from all that is not pure and sound. Last, it will force us to rebuild to a new blueprint. We are at the elementary stages of this purge now. But this will not be an easy task. Many people will suffer. Many more will die. We will witness the total destruction of the old corrupt power institutions. Many will die before the new structures are built and consecrated. Those that live will see these structures truly serve the people first, and not the corporate devils.
Bush has had a large hand in the destruction of these institutions. Whether it was due to his personal agenda, the cosmic cycles, or a little of both is immaterial at this point. What the Bush Administration has done to this country is not even evident to most citizens. He has attempted to tear down the very fabric of democracy and turn control back over to the Royal Crown of England. Great Britain lost the colonies during the last revolution; Bush, as a distant cousin of the Crown is destroying America in an attempt to return all colonies to Britain. When Americans finally see the light, it will be too late to salvage what’s left of democracy as we have known it. The destruction has only just begun. But the show must go on. Pluto will see to it that the entire psyche of our country is rebuilt from the inside out. That will force every living being to move out of complacency and start working. It will be gut-wrenching for those who survive and expect handouts; there won’t be any. You will reap what you sow. If you didn’t plant seeds, you will suffer the most.
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is about “lessons”. So if you did not learn your karmic lessons before, and did not purge the old karma as part of the Plutonian process, then both Pluto and Saturn will be ruthless during the next 16 years. It will be one hell of a cold winter for many. I cannot end this on a positive note because when an old system is dying, it’s dying, period. Everyone is about to face their karmic debts. Deal with them as you can, and learn to forgive yourself and others because playing the blame game at this point is futile. What goes up must come down. It always does and always has. The only sure resources you’ll need to survive the next 16 years will be your own spiritual ones and your strong convictions. If you’ve done your spiritual homework and can willingly surrender to the upcoming changes, and if you’ve seen the future you want and have started building it, the transformation will ultimately be empowering. By 2012, for those who make it, you’ll pass through the door into a new cosmic consciousness that will build new structures for the generations to come.
In Lakech, Dawn
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