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top 5 detox tips
Detox Essential Oils
In need of detox? Try these Tips
New Year. This is often the time when we reflect on the year ahead and there will be thousands of us whom decide to get fit, lose weight, stop drinking and break bad habits. With this in mind and trying to detox the healthy way I have put together what I think are the top 5 detox oils to help you get your new year off to a great start.
1. LEMON – Without a doubt you should plan to have plenty of lovely fresh lemons on hand and lemon oil that can be blended with fennel and juniper to help relive your body of free radicals. Lemon juice is an all round cleanser and helps with the following:
Strengthens the liver and kidneys
helps to thin the blood and boost circulation
helps to stimulate white blood cells helping to boost your immune system.
Try a slice of lemon in hot water or add to your tea and sip throughout the day.
2. FENNEL – Ideal if your body has built up a lot of toxins over the festive season as this was traditionally used to detox poisons from snake and insect bites, but its real power is its ability to cleanse the body if you have eaten or drank too much. Use as a massage oil to help relieve hangovers.
3. BLACK PEPPER – This is helpful if your colon is acting up as this can help to strengthen things and is used to restore tone to the colon muscles and encourages bowel movements. It is also good for circulation acting as a stimulant. If using for massage then simply add one or two drops to a good carrier oil or add a few drops to your bath water.
4. JUNIPER – This is a liver-boosting oil and is used to help heal the liver. Ideal if you have overindulged in the drink over the festive period. As it helps to clear the intestines it can also help with hangovers. Can also be used to help suppress your appetite therefore it is also good if you plan on losing a few excess pounds. This oil blends well with cypress, grapefruit and orange but should not be used during pregnancy.
5. GRAPEFRUIT – This again like lemon should be purchased either fresh or as an oil. This energizing and reviving oil acts as a lymph stimulant. It also helps to control water levels in the body and can help to reduce fluid retention and increase urine flow.
The above oils can help to play a helpful role in detoxing, and you can either use them on their own or make up blends. If you would like to learn more about essential oils then our Beginners guide to Aromatherapy Course offering a recognized and accredited certificate available for immediate download.
Source: Luna Holistic courses
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