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david brittain
We have read the books and listened to the channelled tape recordings. All of them have queues of ascended masters poised to offer us encouragement and heart-warming discourses about universal love. Whilst we listen and then afterwards when we reflect on the discourses it all seems so obvious, it seems so easy to understand that we are tempted to wonder why the masters bothered to cross the dimensions to give the discourse.
Only later when we tried to radiate vast helpings of universal love to all and sundry did we realise that though the ascended master knew what he or she was talking about, we certainly did not. We thought we understood until we tried to do it. Only then did it dawn on us that universal love isn’t something that you do, it is something that you are. Or if like us it is something you are not, it is something that you try to allow yourself to become.
But then, universal, unconditional love is such a mouthful, no matter who says it we all end up feeling rather self-conscious and rather embarrassed. Secretly we may doubt that we will ever be equipped to offer that kind of powerful love to self let alone to anyone else. We, the authors try our best to LIVE the ascension path and so this doubt has nagged at us from time to time. Putting the concept into practice as a way of life seemed to us to be beyond human ability.
That was until recently when I had a recurring dream that finally triggered a train of thought that in turn led me to write this article. Now when we say that we don’t believe in coincidence we have to apply that thought to every aspect of our lives. We can’t be selective about it so we must apply it also to dreams. To help you to understand the dream and the train of thought that followed it I (David) must first briefly tell you a little of my history.
I have been married twice. I met and married Jean in my mid-twenties. Jean was in her late twenties; she had two small children, and had been a widow for two years. Life was tough and there was never much money about, but life also was good to us. The four of us shared a mutual love and trust, and to my joy I was unhesitatingly accepted as Dad. Our marriage lasted for fifteen treasured years and ended when Jean died in my arms from cancer of the spine.
To her great joy Jean was able to attend the weddings of our children the year before she died. Jean was very psychic and when she knew her death was swiftly approaching Jean begged me to promise not to stay alone if I could find happiness with someone else. After Jean died I was shattered with grief and so very grateful to our son and daughter and their lovely partners for their rock-like strength and loving support.
I remained alone for a few years and the searing grief gradually faded to leave me alone with my cherished memories. One morning when I awoke, to my surprise I was ready to go on, but I found it impossible to imagine that my lost happiness could be replaced. Of course there I was completely wrong. A niece of my late wife introduced me to her lovely friend Yvonne and instantly we knew we were meant for each other.
We met in July and were married in the Spiritualist church in November of the same year 1983. That was twenty eight years ago. Twenty eight years, each day of which has added to the proof of how wrong I was to believe my happiness could not be replaced. I have explained all this so that you will know that I have no regrets, no comparisons to make, and no sub-conscious wish to return to past happiness. Also I will explain that Yvonne is a highly developed clairvoyant medium who has communicated with Jean since we have been married, so there has never been any awkwardness if we discuss my first marriage.
Enough of my history, let’s get to the recurring dreams. The dreams shared a similar theme, each time I was back with Jean and the children. The closeness we had always shared was there again in the dreams, as also was the familiar loving atmosphere, and yet it felt wrong, and that I shouldn’t be there. Jean was as Jean had always been and seemed to take it for granted that I was with her.
Nothing happened in the dreams, but in each dream I wanted to be elsewhere. The first and most obvious thought that occurred to me was that I felt guilty as if I had betrayed Yvonne. But I knew it was something deeper than that though I didn’t know what. Between the dreams I got to wonder how I would feel if Jean walked into our home. Not how Yvonne or Jean would feel, no I am the link so how would I feel, as Yvonne and I had forged the same loving trust and closeness that I had shared with Jean. In the last of the series of dreams I was able to solve the quandary. The same situation presented itself again but this time in the dream a thought came to me. It was that Jean and her previous husband had also shared a similar loving relationship. Our lives are a series of chapters.
When I awoke from the last dream the train of thought began. Then I knew that unconditional and universal love isn’t an impossible dream if we will only try to understand what it is. But what is it? It isn’t just the people involved; it is the loving, trusting, caring and unselfish relationship that can be gently forged. It can be forged between men and women, men and men, and women and women. It is not a matter of which sex or marriage vows; it is more to do with caring about the other person’s feelings before our own. If we could all try that we would gain at least a glimpse of the power of universal love. Ofcourse this would require us all to drop our judgmental role. To become less convinced that we have the right to run the lives of other people, whether they are our children, our parents, our friends and acquaintances, or of people we’ve never met. But then the train of thought continued.
We hear many people blithely and endlessly waffle on about Reincarnation and past lives. Of course they mean well but as we listen it becomes obvious that they haven’t really thought about it in depth. Many people aren’t as fortunate as I am. I have been blessed with not just one but two loving relationships during my present life. But Yvonne and I know we have reincarnated in this life for ascension work purposes, and though currently it is fashionable to say so, we know we were Cathars in past lives. Why I mention this will become clear shortly.
If we honestly believe in Reincarnation we must also believe we have lived countless physical lives and between those lives countless sojourns on the Astral Levels. To take the train of thought further, during each of those countless lives we either did or didn’t forge at least one loving caring relationship with someone we met in that life. So regardless of what Yvonne and I share in this present life we both must have a history of shared relationships with countless people who we deeply loved as much as Jean, Yvonne and myself love each other, all those people who were so very special to us but that we can’t remember in this present life. If those people have also returned to the physical they can’t remember us either. But when we reach those higher levels we all will remember what we once shared. Also when we leave the limitations, illusions and conditioning of physical life we will realise it is possible to share a relationship such as I have described with everyone. It will be the only way of life.
To return to the point about Cathars who have reincarnated in this present life. What is happening in the land of the Cathars is probably also happening all over the world. The masters assured all of us that as Ascension time draws nearer we all will be guided to be in the right place at the right time to do our work. Recently it has become very noticeable that there is steady but increasing flow of people from many countries. These people have felt guided to uproot themselves from their homes and families to set up home in France in the land of the Cathars. Mature sensible people of an age when most folks are reluctant to move anywhere. Because Yvonne and I had been established as a light centre there since 1991 until 2006, these people sought us out. When we met them for the very first time there was mutual recognition, as if we all were beloved friends. There was no shyness, stiffness nor awkwardness. But then there wouldn’t be would there, not if we’d all known and loved each other in some past life? So maybe this is a tiny foretaste of universal love… After all, there is no such thing as coincidence, is there?
In conclusion I have included with this article a poem I sat down and wrote on the day I awoke to feel freed from my grief. It may help some of you who grieve for a beloved now.
Best wishes from David and Yvonne Brittain
Mind and how it works has always fascinated me. In particular, my mind, and so even when suffering grief a tiny part of me was an observer.
For those that suffer grief now I urge you not to cling to it, and not to feel guilty when you no longer feel as if half of you is missing. . Paths meet and entwine. On those paths we learn from each other, and then we go our separate ways, always learning, always evolving, always growing stronger and wiser, and always with the certainty, no matter what our beliefs or non-beliefs, that somewhere one day we will all meet again.
Already your lost loved one knows this, and now longs for you to experience your own Spring Tide.
Light and colour has flooded in.
Green Spring Tide, Life can begin.
The reds and golds and blues all mean,
To dominate my grey, dead, scene
These eyes that laughed to mask the pain,
Of hidden tears that fell like rain,
Inside my heart to sear and burn,
Now dry, the grief will not return.
So now I thank my Radiant Lord.
My broken heart was not ignored.
The mask has gone. The wound has healed
My eyes asparkle, new life revealed
And I shall LIVE each minute.
David Brittain
(I wrote this little poem in 1980)
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