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Each moment of your journey is planned to give you every opportunity to transcend the darkness that you believed was your path and find the light. Each experience is a lesson in healing, finding your power and reconnecting to Source. You are always where you are supposed to be, doing the work that you have come here to do and experiencing all aspects of darkness and light until you arrive at your spiritual center. This is your journey, the fulfillment of your contract and the acknowledgement of your agreement with your divine self.
The times in your life where you struggle, suffer, experience chaos and drama you call accidents, mistakes, errors in judgment and misfortune. But your only error occurred when you believed yourself to be out of touch with your Source and disconnected from your divinity. Each time you move away from this connection you experience the chaos of fear. When you move back into the flow of divine love you know the calm and serenity of knowing your Truth. With each of these movements you are exactly where you are supposed to be, moving between the energies of human and divine, fear and love, material and spiritual.
You have chosen this path to learn about every aspect of fear so that it can be transmuted. This journey from the spiritual to material and back again is the path that leads to your mastery. To find your power you must learn what it is to be without it, just as you choose to learn about love by removing yourself from its source. It is the contract that each of you has with Creator, to awaken each aspect of humanity to the light and you have done this for lifetimes.
Your life path is an agreement between you and Creator, a journey from light to darkness and back to the light. With each step you are where you are supposed to be as you open your heart and allow the alignment of the light within you. Do not ask why you are at a particular place in your life. Instead, know that you are where you are supposed to be and consider that your decision for the next step on your journey is what is necessary for your soul's growth and ascension.
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