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When we enter this world, we bring with us our soul energy or Karma, and this is known as Draconic Astrology. This is quite distinct from our Natal Birth Horoscope or zodiac sign. Your Draconic Personal Horoscope will absolutely amaze you. And knowing your Soul or Draconic Chart will provide you with stunning added knowledge and personal understanding.
If you know your Natal Horoscope well, as many of you will, you may still have wondered about corners of your personality, experiences or patterns, which don't seem to exactly match this enormously important astrological framework. Therefore, we have to evolve to really become what our Birth Chart is. Once you read your Draconic Personal Horoscope such mysteries can be soothed away in a few hours or days, as the different way of understanding yourself percolates deep into your being.
How does it work? Draconic astrology is based on the influence of the North Node, where the Moon crosses the ecliptic from south to north at the time of our birth. A Draconic Chart moves the North Node from its location in the Birth Chart to 0 degrees Aries or the Vernal Point. The word Draconic derives from the Dragons Head and this form of astrology comes from Babylonian times. A Draconic Character Analysis is an incredible opportunity to see the set of energies we bring into this world at a soul, or karmic level. Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, when you read your Draconic Character Analysis, it will set your mind ablaze with all sorts of deeper personal understandings.
Why is this? It is because when we enter the world, we bring energies with us from our parents, from our past and from the gods. Imagine your Draconic Personal Horoscope as the very ROOTS of our being. A Natal Personal Horoscope is our POTENTIAL and if we keep working at it can be the LEAVES, FLOWERSÂ or FRUITS manifested by the TREE in our journey of life.
In my Natal Birth Chart the Sun is 0 degrees Aquarius, the Moon 13 degrees and the Ascendant 23 degrees Libra. Now the Sun is in the 3rd House, the Moon 4th and in the Draconic Chart these House positions remain exactly the same, except my Sun is 23 degrees Gemini in the 3rd House, and the Moon 6 degrees Cancer, and the Ascendant is 17 degrees Pisces. So, quite a change. So let's compare this locations head to head.
Natal Sun v Draconic Sun
How you view me will vary from person to person, but communication has always been a big thing for me, and the Natal Sun in Aquarius in the 3rd House would seem to reflect that. But the Draconic Sun in Gemini in 3rd House IS VERY MUCH to do with media communication, especially through the written word and of course I have written in newspapers and magazines for 20 years. The videos came in about 12 years ago, but all this is CLASSIC Gemini although the detachment of Aquarius (astrology) is threaded through this, I guess too.
Natal Sun v Draconic Sun
How you view me will vary from person to person, but communication has always been a big thing for me, and the Natal Sun in Aquarius in the 3rd House would seem to reflect that. But the Draconic Sun in Gemini in 3rd House IS VERY MUCH to do with media communication, especially through the written word and of course I have written in newspapers and magazines for 20 years. The videos came in about 12 years ago, but all this is CLASSIC Gemini although the detachment of Aquarius (astrology) is threaded through this, I guess too.
Natal Moon v Draconic Moon
What about the Moon? Well, the Moon in the 4th House, especially with a conjunction to Venus like I have, will always make a subject a home lover, and I am certainly that. And the people closest to me are very important and the 4th House represents family and emotion. But I have always been VERY much a home lover, and a person who people readily share their feelings with. Okay, an Aquarius Moon (whilst seen as rebellious - also true) is generally non judgemental (true) but a bit cool about feelings, and I am not. So if we think about the Cancer Moon of the Draconic chart we get a much greater measure of my sensitivity and emotionality and some of my insecurities and sometimes defensiveness too!
Natal Asc v Draconic Asc
Now my Natal Asc is in Libra. This makes sense, softy spoken, good listener, fair minded, democratic outlook. But the Pisces Asc in Draconic chart makes so much sense. Always loved to live near water. Crave to live near the sea (okay the Draco Cancer Moon in the 4th will help that too) and have revently moved closer to the sea, a lifelong dream. Pisces Ascendant in the 2nd Decanate ruled by Moon and so a great deal of sensitivity and with T. Neptune right on top of my Draco Asc just now, I can see how greater emotionality and attunement to others are being welcomed into my world.
Any astrologer looking at my Natal Chart would immediately see the strong element of Air, and also the 4th House, a very Cancerian influence. But the Draconic Analysis really does see a lot more Water to the fore, and this is what I brought into this life. The Aquarius energy in my Natal Horoscope is my challenge to assert my more unique individuality, and in some ways escape the sensitivity that I have seen at times as being as much of a liability, as an asset. Of course, there is far more to both charts that go beyond the Sun, Moon and Asc so this is just a flavour but learning about my Draconic Moon and Venus in Cancer, Sun in Gemini and Pisces Asc were real turning points in my own life and personal development.
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