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Life Alignment
Life Alignment is a system of healing and transformation.
It is a wonderful technique to study if you are sensitive to energies or psychic, and even if you are not.
As you progress, you become more tuned in, and able to engage with all the different aspects of the healing arts.
Life Alignment is incredibly comprehensive and versatile. To name a few aspects it work with, it provides tools to work with muscle testing, dowsing, distance work, the major organs and systems of the body, the meridians, energetic detoxification, the 12 chakras and rays, and deep emotio

Healing hands
nal processing in conjunction with energy work and connection both to the Higher Self and to Guidance.
The key intention of Life Alignment is to identify the root cause of the presenting problem and work with the priority for the healing that the client is ready for at this point in time.
This means that empowering the client and working on the healing journey that is most appropriate for the client are central to the process. It's all about empowerment and shifting to a higher level.
Teachers and practitioners can be found throughout the UK, including in London.
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