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Our world is faced with death and dying every day. It is part of life. It has been on the news that Matt Hancock wanted “to frighten the pants off people about Covid” so that they would obey his instructions. What a coarse remark to make! Is this the sort of people we are electing to govern our country? Well Mr Hancock you did not frighten me because I know that there is no such thing as death! When my earthly life ends I will simply step out of my body, take the hand of whoever has come to collect me and proceed into the next world. There I will meet up with those I have loved and known in my earthly life who will be waiting to greet me.
As a Spiritualist I know that I came to the earth to attend school and learn many things for my soul’s perfection but that I am only here for a “term” and when the “vacation” arrives I will return to my true home in the next world. I attended my first Spiritualist meeting when I was 18 years of age. I am now 86 and my faith in God and my belief in the Spiritualist religion has grown ever stronger over the years. It saddens me that so many people go through their life absolutely afraid of death, believing that it is the end for themselves and also for those they have loved. It is indeed sad when it is the death of a young person because we feel that they have not had a chance to fulfil their potential, to use their learning, their talents and God given gifts. People must be brought to believe that such persons will continue in their work and education when they arrive in the next world. The God who gave you life, who watched you grow and saw all the experiences you lived through is not going to ditch you at the moment of death. No indeed! He has a whole new future planned out for you when you arrive in His heavenly kingdom.
I am sure that everyone would agree that we cannot achieve all we would like to in one short earth life. I know that in my life I have tried to pack into it as much as I could but I could never learn everything, read all the books ever written, experience everything, visit all the countries of the world and so much more. I thank God for the chance to do all these things in the next world. I would remind everyone that we must all face a review of our life on earth when we enter the next world. Will you watch that review of your life and think that you wasted your time and missed opportunities. Will you say “I could have done better.” Of course God wants you to enjoy your life in His beautiful world but try to give something back in service to God so that others may enjoy it also.
So everyone. We have lived through this Covid Pandemic. We have lost beloved family members and our world and life has been changed forever. Those who should have guided us through these times have revealed their human frailties and inadequacies. They were not prepared. I was horrified at the lack of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) for our medical staff who had to cope with the epidemic and indeed I believe that some lost their lives because of this. Then our NHS had become run down as our government attempted to cut corners and save money. A great amount of money was used to build these Nightingale Hospitals but they were never used on a large scale, because the NHS did not have enough trained staff to fill them as well as the permanent hospitals. The country is still coping with long hospital waiting lists for surgical operations and treatment. Finally came lockdown when our politicians and other public figures really showed how much they cared by deliberately breaking travel restrictions and holding drunken parties. Let us hope that they have learned lessons which will help should another dreadful virus ever return.
I have always believed that when we pass through a time of tribulation and suffering we emerge stronger from the experience. So come on everyone! Let us rebuild our country and make it and the world a better place for our children and future generations.
I am offering a free copy of my paperback book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. (Postage is free). Please contact me by email.
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