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I am a Reiki Master, working in Yorkshire. My name is Sheila Williams. When I started training in Reiki, I had not had Reiki myself prior to that. I started training at home, doing the pre-course work with the cds and manual that I received from the Reiki Master who I booked the course with. I had been doing Zen meditation for twenty years prior to this, and I believe because of this, I was easily able to start doing the meditations for Reiki. I am a big believer in things being natural and in natural things, and also have experienced some things which are unusual and different to the norm. So, when I decided to start learning Reiki, I came to it with an ‘open mind’, but with no expectations of whether it would work or not. I did not believe nor disbelieve, I wanted to find out. I already was trained in holistic therapy, so I am a qualified aromatherapist and massage therapist, as well as a beauty therapist. So, because of this I had already been using natural methods for healing. And I did also and of course still do, believe that our brains are capable of more than is known, and that human beings are capable of more than science knows up to now.
Although it is generally thought that science leads the way, it does seem to me, that in some respects it needs to catch up with natural methods of healing and conduct experiments which are valid and control variables. Reiki is one instance of this. Zen meditation is another. There have been some experiments conducted for Zen meditation, and many have been done for Reiki. Although, many of them do show that the healing has had an effect. They have been criticised in their design. But Reiki Masters don’t design experiments they take part in good faith, hoping that the experiments have been designed well, and are trustworthy as valid experiments. So, there are now experiments that do show that Reiki works. But there are also experiments that have been conducted that are not reliable, and some experiments have been conducted with various types of energy healers, at the same time, which I don’t believe is a reliable experiment. Experiments need to be done for each different type of energy healers instead of putting them together as if they are all the same. Although we may be all accessing the same energy, we do not all do the same thing in terms of how we do it, so for experim

ents where methods need to be standardised, the types of energy healers need to be separated. Saying that there have been some good experiments done with good results for those taking part.
While I am talking about experiments I do feel the need to thank Prince Charles for fighting the natural therapy corner, and for bringing more attention to natural methods and alternative methods of healing. And he has advocated for more of this within hospitals as well I believe.
So, does Reiki work? The answer is yes, it does. I trained in Mikao Usui lineage, traditional Reiki. One of my own experiences was when I took my second level Reiki course. At the time, I had a pain in my heart/chest area, which I had had, for about three months, and it wasn’t going away. I had not seen a doctor about it, because I had hoped it would go away, but it was still there when I went for my level two Reiki day training. When the teacher, gave me my level two empowerment, I felt the energy going into my chest/heart area, and after that, immediately after that, I realised that the pain I had, that had gone. When I felt the energy, I was thinking something like, gosh what is happening, I could feel it, and had never felt it before going into my body. That was one thing, but then also the pain went, and has not returned. I have other experiences with Reiki as well, which has proved to me that it works. And I also have experiences with Zen meditation that have proven to me that, that is healing too.
To anyone who does not believe, have an appointment. You don’t have anything to lose, and if you have health problems, you can only gain. It doesn’t make any difference to the energy whether someone believes or not. That is why, when someone says it has a placebo effect, sorry but placebos only work when you believe that what you are doing is working. I know from my own experiences that Reiki works whether people believe in it or not. Now with so many hospitals overflowing, natural forms of healing are needed more than ever. I am so glad that I have natural methods of healing which I use. Reiki can be had, along side medical treatments, it has no contra-indications, and Reiki Masters and practitioners always say to take medical advice for any health problems as well. @sheilaannreiki on facebook
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