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Science and spirituality are mutually supportive. Innate knowledge equates to spiritual astuteness. One is not separate form the other. To define a scientific principle without accepting the spiritual basis of all thought I believe is a disservice to humanity. We are spirit first and knowledge second. We are therefore we think. We are, therefore we create. We are, therefore we discover. We are, therefore we evolve. Paranormal activity spiritual phenomena, evolution, and science are interrelated.
I strongly believe Individuals diagnosed with severe autism are way-showers who have much to teach us about consciousness. Thus far, scientists seem uninterested or unwilling to explore the spiritual or subconscious connections that they demonstrate.
I participated in(for want of a better word) sending word and images via telepathy for many years. Nonverbal students can type letter for letter and word for word what I mentally send to them. Many with verbal ability can say what I send if the category is limited. (I.e. numbers, shapes, colors) Some verbal autistic or open individuals have even done it through opaque barriers and surprising even to me over the phone. Although these verbal individuals perform way beyond typical people, they are not nearly as adept as their nonverbal peers, who do not need a limited field of possibilities. Holding the keyboard, touching them or sitting in close proximity is necessary for me, but perhaps not everyone. Inadvertent subtle cueing may also part of the process, but even taking that into account, their ability goes beyond the currently explainable. Is it an evolved form of telepathy? Are we joining at a subconscious level? Are we becoming one unified field? Can they read my soul? Are they helping me to tap into my subconscious knowing? Are they bringing information from the universal field of thought through me? Could brain-imaging technology shed light on this anomaly? Honestly, I do not know. All I know is that there is a phenomenon occurring that needs to be studied.
I have so many questions I hope to see investigated.
Are brain wave patterns being altered? Are they being entrained? Is a sympathetic resonance occurring? What areas of the brain are being activated? Is there a measurable increase in blood flow between the sender and receiver during transmission? What similarities does this process have to hypnosis? Does adhering another's vibration help the severely autistic brain filter material? Does it help them experience a more typical perceptual reality? Does the person serving as a catalyst provide the stimulus needed for them to access a response? Do these radiations produce image or thought receiving experiences by acting on the temporal lobe? Do sub-vocalizations enhance the process? Does aligning with the sender's rhythm help them perform in a synchronized manner? Does it help them feel more grounded and attune to the frequency of the earth? Does the severely autistic person choose to align himself with the more organized system? Is the pineal gland primarily hyper rather than hypo active allowing an increased connected to the spiritual realm? Can blending consciousness form a unique frequency? Is it possible that they are impressing the image on my brain stem and I am unconsciously and instantaneously selecting the word and sending it back to them to type. The list goes on. All I know if the telepathic FC is an enjoyable and seemingly productive experience for both parties. It needs to be openly discussed amongst people who have experienced the process and not confined it to meet the parameters of their perceptual reality.
Pursuing the answers could dramatically enhance our current understanding of consciousness. My ability to send is very strong. My ability to receive I hope is improving. If there are scientists who do not discount extra sensory abilities, and are eager to rigorously question all aspects of the phenomenon to determine what is valid, please contact me. Currently, these complex individuals are being under utilized and in effect so am I and other people who engage in partnered communication, who have opened themselves to advanced possibilities, and are willing to share their experiences.
I have recently started a facebook group to attempt to gather anyone involved in partner dependent communication and consciousness experts to come together and engage in open dialogue. It is an open group called: Autism-Doorway to Consciousness. If this article resonates with you and you have something to learn or more importantly share, please join us for discussion.
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