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Most people pray asking for what they want and expect an immediate response. In today’s culture everything is about NOW.
• You mean I have to wait for God to answer?
• Why isn’t my prayer answered immediately?
• I have prayed and nothing has happened.
• Why did this tragedy have to happen in my life?
• Where was God?
The Divine Spirit/Great Spirit/God/Creator does not work the way we think it should. We live in a material world and are far removed from the spirit world were everything is different than here. That is why how we perceive things is not equivalent to how things work in the spirit world. The way the spiritual world works is far removed from our understanding.
The Divine allows us free will and many things that happen are based on our free will and the free will of others. Things are happening in spirit even though we cannot see it here in the third dimension.
Of course many people are skeptical that there is such a thing as a God. I can understand this because when you look around at the world it certainly makes you wonder who is in charge. We are not in charge of everything except our actions and emotions. There are things going on that are unseen and without the entity of God it would be a very desolate world.
Want To Receive Answers To Your Prayers?
There are ways to receive answers, but you have to be patient. Oh no, there is that dreaded word again patience. Patience is definitely a virtue. Today patience is greatly lacking in our world. Patience is part of faith.
Your feelings cannot be seen, yet they exist.
You have a soul, but can you see it?
Can you photograph it?
No. Therefore it takes great faith to believe in a Divine Spirit that created you and does care about you.
When you pray and ask for something you do not have to do repetitions of the same request. The first time you pray it is heard.
What you need to do afterwards is thank God/Great Spirit/Divine Spirit/Creator for hearing your prayer and for answering it. Every day just keep thanking The Divine for answering your prayer. Once you develop the attitude of believing without seeing you will find that things start changing in your life for the better.
There will be moments where you can glimpse the power of The Divine. Often it is only moments. For some it can be longer. Those moments are given to you as a gift to keep your faith going.
The key points to prayer are:
• Pray and ask for what is needed.
• Keep thanking The Divine for answering your prayer.
• Thank your Guardian Angels for taking care of you daily.
• Thank your Guides for all that they do to help you on your path.
This is really all that you need to do. When you can do this successfully you will start seeing the power of The Divine and the angels in your life.
When you do this successfully you will be able to guide many who need help during these troubling times. We are here for a reason and it is to develop and grow spiritually and to help others who are struggling in darkness and need the touch of the Divine Light.
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