Meet your Spirit Guides with Lindsley Cash
In this interactive workshop you will be connected to those energies who are helping you explore more of who you truly are as a being of love and light having a human lifetime experience.
• Your number one guide
• Your higher self
• Your guardian angel
• Your spirit power animal
Lindsley is a channelling medium and will invite members of your team to speak through her so that you can learn their names and their purpose in supporting you.
You will be able to ask questions to your higher self for personal great awareness of how you can best move forward in your journey of enlightenment, a lightworker, healer or medium.
You will gain confidence in your connection to your spirit collective as you feel their energy and love surrounding you and protecting you.
Cost £25 10 places available
Lindsley is an international medium having worked in South Africa and Hong Kong as well as being an established channelling medium of 20 years plus offering spiritual readings. She is a teacher of spiritual healing, a Rahanni Celestial Practitioner, Mindfulness Practitioner, Laughter Yoga Practitioner and New Age Business owner.
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